웹표준 CSS 실습 #2

1) HTML 

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<a href="#contents">본문 바로가기</a>


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<h1 id="logo"><img src="img/ym.gif" width="145" height="48" alt="YM LOGO" /></h1>

<h2 class="noVisible">메인메뉴</h2>

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<li><a href="index.html">HOME</a></li>

<li><a href="about.html">ABOUT</a></li>

<li class="current"><a href="portfolio.html">PORTFOLIO</a></li>

<li><a href="contact.html">CONTACT</a></li>



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<div id="contents">


<div class="portfolio">



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/Chrysanthemum.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="이름 모를 꽃" />


<p class="date">2012.3.</p>



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/Desert.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="사막" />


<p class="date">2012.5.</p>



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/food3.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="스테이크" />


<p class="date">2012.5.</p>



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/j1.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="보석 목걸이" />


<p class="date">2013.1.</p>



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/pizza.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="피자" />


<p class="date">2013.1.</p>



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/food1.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="전채 요리" />


<p class="date">2013.3.</p>



<div class="thumb">

<img src="img/Lighthouse.jpg" width="235" height="156" alt="고성" />


<p class="date">2013.7.</p>




</div>  <!--  end of contents -->

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Copyright &copy; 2013 YM. All rights reserved <br />

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2) CSS

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/* 메뉴에 현재 문서 표시 */

/* 타이틀 */

#contents h1 {

font-family: 'Yanone', 'Nanum Gothic', '맑은 고딕', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;


 /* portfolio li 레이아웃 잡기 */

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.portfolio ul li p{text-align:center;padding:15px 0;}

Posted by netyhobby